Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Two careers i wouldn't mind having are owning my own store(7 eleven/dollarama type store) or working in construction.  I've always liked the thought of owning my own store and i would enjoy it because it would give me control over my own hours and i think it would be quite an enjoyable experience. Construction would be good mainly because i'm good with my hands.

To own my own shop all i need is a business license and i would have to register it with Bc registry services. for construction i must have a high school education and maybe community collage.

A career is something that you wish to pursue and may like, a job is something you do because you need money, you may not like it.

For construction their are many construction companies in Canada but some of the top construction companies are PCL Construction, Ellisdon corp. etc.

Construction is important for maintaining and building new buildings,  stores are important for food and general goods.

The average wage for construction is $35,750, the average wage for a store owner is based on hows much business you receive each year.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Ewok

I don't really hate or love any movies but i had a funny idea for the hobbit.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

3d printing

What type of 3D printers are there?

- Stereolithography (SLA)
-Digital light processing (DLP)
-Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
-Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
-Selective laser melting (SLM)
-Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)

If the school has a Maker bot 3D printer what type is it? Explain how it works?

Maker bot 3D printer is a desktop printer with app and cloud connectivity.

What type of material does it use?

PLA and ABS filament, flexible and dissolvable

What is the average time for a desktop 3d printer?

It depends on the size and complexity of the print 

What can a 3D printer be used for?

-Create car parts
-Smart phone cases
-artificial organs
-fashion accessories
-medical equipment

What have 3d printers been used for in the science community? why is it important? who does it benefit?

3D printers have been used to make medical equipment and even artificial organs for transplants. many people wait on a transplant list for a very long time and some don't even get one but now that artificial organs can be printed the wait time lessens and lessens.

6 ideas id be interested in making with a 3d printer

-8 bit mario
-steam logo
-Skyrim logo
-Youtube logo
-Triforce logo
-starfox logo

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mars 1

The Mars 1 mission is a non profit foundation where they hope to send humans to live and grow on mars for the rest of their lives. what they plan to do is to send rovers ahead a few years to get a settlement started and prepared for human survival. They are taking in applicants to live their that fulfill their large lists of requirements.

One of the requirements is physical and your ability to handle certain physical strain at your age. I am 17 so i would need to be able to do 24 curl ups, 9-12 trunk lifts, 18 push ups etc. I can not meet those physical requirements so i would immediately be out already.

Mars 1 is mainly English but they do accept applicants from different countries if they speak 1 of these 11 languages English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Arabic, Russian, Chinese Mandarin, Korean, Indonesian, or Japanese. You may also be required to speak at least 2 languages. I only speak English so i do not meet these requirements either.

Also if you wish to apply you must have a clean bill of health and have no dependency or addiction to drugs (Medicinal or recreational). you must also have 20/20 vision not requiring the constant need of glasses. Their is also  a height requirement. i have 20/20 vision but one of the requirements is no diseases and cancer and alzheimers run in my family so i have no clue if i will get it later in my life.

From the requirements i have read i do not meet the requirements to join mars 1 in almost all of the  categories listed.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

GJ- Day 4

The plan i had used yesterday had seemed to work very well except i had started to run out of food and had many colonist starve. I think because of the large amount of colonist i had food had started to run low so i am limiting the amount of colonist ships that can come.

The plan worked and lots of trade ships had come with food but i did have a problem power which wasn't to bad but every night their was a limited point of time where their was no power 

Friday, May 13, 2016

GJ- Day 2

Planet base is a survival strategy game where you and a group of colonist land on one of four planets and you try to set up and start your own colony. the people that land with you on your planet all have abilities and talents suited for your survival. you have workers, biologist, Engineers, Medics, and two types of bots, carrier bots and constructor bots.

Planet base has some cool features that make the game more difficult and more interesting such as natural disasters including sandstorms and meteors randomly crashing around your colony. also to unlock more planets (you start off with the sand planet) you need to unlock milestones such as building a monolith or surviving for a amount of time.

A good strategy to start off with would be to start off making an oxygen generator, water collector, and some power collectors and storage. once those are built make a canteen as a place for your colonist to eat and make a dorm where they can sleep. Remember to always connect your buildings and a little side not to remember is that some facilities have can only have one connection such as the Dorm.

Some tips to remember is not to over build or build your facilities to large or you will run out off resources fast and nothing will get built. Also if you wish to see inside your base press tab to take down the tops of facilities.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

  1. Which Actor plays Mark Watney?= matt damon
  2. How was Mark Watney left behind?= sandstorm hit their him sending him flying from ship
  3. What is the name of the Mars mission? Ares 3
  4. What is a Sol? How long is one Sol? How many Sol's did it take for earth to find Watney still alive? a sol is a way to keep time on mars, 1 sol is  24h 37m 22.663s
  5. What is the difference between the MAV and the HAB?
  6. What does Watney grow on Mars? potatoes 
  7. What communication device does Watney dig up? What sol is it when he gets communication set up?an RTG, radioisotope thermoelectric generator
  8. What coding system do they use?
  9. Which country helps NASA? china
  10. What is Project Elrond? What is the project named after?Lord of the rings and its a way to slingshot mark watney to safety
  11. Name 5 types of equipment that is used in the movie?rover, space suit, ion propulsion, solar panels, rtg
  12. In the movie what does Watney define as Colonization? if you have successfully planted crops 
  13. What did NASA want Watney to remove from the MAV? every window, the roof, control panels, supplies, seats, pretty much everything but the shell of the ship.
  14. Which superhero does Watney reference?  Iron man
  15. What happens to Watney at the end of the movie? What does he do for NASA? he goes back to earth and teaches a course for nasa on how to survive on different planets.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break Highlights

My spring break was pretty uneventful. The only things worth highlighting would be that i watched a show called scorpion which is about a team of geniuses who help solve problems for homeland security. The other thing worth noting would be that i played the new add on for Fallout 4 called "automatron". Automatron is a small dlc and is a sneak peek for what is going to be coming next month.  This dlc includes the ability to build your own robots and upgrade or modify other robots you may have previously owned such as Codsworth. It also includes a small story about a person called The Mechanist who is building robots that kill people. I myself have already defeated the mechanist and have built 4 robots and modified 2 others. One more thing worth mentioning is that i learned a bit about family history and that my family is Romanian German. That is what i did over spring break.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Donalds trump "Hair piece "

Donald trump was on stage giving a speech in Iowa when his supporters got more then they bargained for. it was said that the crowd noticed the slightest movement on his head giving the crowd a few confused faces. "I noticed his hair Slipping and moving slightly but i thought he was just getting frustrated'' says Joe Redan.  Sarah Snow states "their were a lot of people in the crowd that were heckling him quite a bit and starting fights so it was clear he was annoyed". Donald trump was starting to calm down when his "Hair" fell off his head to the unsuspecting people below. A supporter was about to hand it back when someone snatched it and bolted out of the Auditorium leaving Mr Trump Bald and furious. Trump was rushed off the stage and out of the auditorium where he got into his car and drove off. Its to early to tell but this little incident could be good or could turn out horribly for his polls.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The last blonde review

On September 27, 2002 a story was published saying that in 200 years blondes will die out and that the last blonde will be born in Finland. This Article at first glance makes you think that it might be true but if you read it carefully you can tell that it is fake. Jonathan Rees, professor of dermatology at the University of Edinburgh said it was unlikely blondes would die out completely.
"Genes don't die out unless there is a disadvantage of having that gene or by chance. They don't disappear," he told BBC News Online.
"The only reason blondes would disappear is if having the gene was a disadvantage and I do not think that is the case.
"The frequency of blondes may drop but they won't disappear." It is believable that the frequency of blondes may lower but its not believable that they would completely die out in 200 years.

The last blonde

Blondes 'to die out in 200 years'

Scientists believe the last blondes will be in Finland
The last natural blondes will die out within 200 years, scientists believe.
A study by experts in Germany suggests people with blonde hair are an endangered species and will become extinct by 2202.

Researchers predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes.

The frequency of blondes may drop but they won't disappear

Prof Jonathan Rees, University of Edinburgh
But they say too few people now carry the gene for blondes to last beyond the next two centuries.

The problem is that blonde hair is caused by a recessive gene.

In order for a child to have blonde hair, it must have the gene on both sides of the family in the grandparents' generation.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

One Chance

"Faster, faster” those were the last words before my world went dark
My name is Joe, two weeks ago I was a normal guy with a normal job and a normal family but all that changed when I heard. My wife was diagnosed with a rare and deadly sickness and without proper treatment she can’t make it.
The doctor told me that without proper funds they couldn’t help her.

“one hundred thousand” that was the price that the doctor had given me.
 Two days had gone by after that, two days of people refusing to help, two days of sadness and helplessness.

Another four days went by before a strange man came to me saying “I believe I can help you”. I was shocked by his proposal “you want me to rob a bank with you, a man whose name is still unclear”.

“The names James and all you have to do is drive the car”.

 I had no choice but to agree to his proposal and help him rob a bank. For three days we planned out the heist and practiced for it. James also introduced me to two people that we would be working with, Sarah and Alex. On the fourth day we went over the plan one last time.

“alright Joe will be waiting out front with the car ready to go, Alex your on crowd control and Sarah and I shall grab the money”.

“how long will you take?” I had asked hoping that it would be over soon.

“we won’t be long, just in and out.” James told me.

The night before the heist I sat in my room and thought about what I was preparing to do. “I shouldn’t do this” I thought “I have to do this”

“Alright everyone you know your jobs, now let’s get to work.” I remember James had said this like it was a daily routine or a way of life.
We all got in the van that had been modified so that it was faster and could hold more weight. We drove halfway across New York before making it to our destination, JP Morgan Chase & Co.

“Alright let’s do this” James, Alex and Sarah got out of the van and headed into the bank.
Ten minutes had passed before they got back into the van and when they did I could hear the sirens of the oncoming police.

“Go, go, go” I took off in a high speed race against the police, driving through alleys and highways. I drove around cars, over ramps and bumps, around street signs and trash cans and many other things.

I saw the cops slow down and started to rejoice then I realized that they stopped because there was a police barricade ahead and there was no way around it.

“Faster, faster” those were the last words before my world went dark

“I think that you know the rest of the story officers” I had been asleep for two days after we drove the van into a police barricade.

“yes, we thank you for your cooperation but you have to come with us now” I was taken to a prison where I thought I would spend the rest of my days in. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Road trip

                                              Day 1

Today was the first day of our adventure and it took us 2 hours to drive to Seattle. when we arrived we located and checked into our hotel called the Hyatt House. we dropped off our stuff then went sightseeing, starting with the space needle. After a bit of time at the space needle we went to lake union and the Fremont troll. We headed back to our hotel for the night.

                                               Day 2

Second day of our Adventure and today we decided to explore more of Seattle. We first started by finding a place for breakfast and getting gas. The first sight of the day was the Gum wall which we added to. we then went to the museum of flight to see some old antique planes. after a long day we headed back to our hotel for some food and relaxation.

                                               Day 4

We left Seattle and drove a long way to Las Vegas. 16 hour drive, we had to switch drivers a couple times but we made it. when we arrived we drove to our hotel for some sleep before going and exploring. when we awoke we got dressed and went to some casinos and grabbed some food. we didn't spend to long out because we were still tired from the long drive but it was an awesome night.

                                               Day 5

Today we started our exploring of Las Vegas by seeing the stratosphere and the strip. we then went to shark reef to and saw some amazing creatures. we then went to Red Rock Canyon and and yelled  so our voices would echo. after a long day we went back to our hotel and grabbed some food.

                                               Day 7

We left Las Vegas today And spent 4 hours on the road. When we arrived in Los Angeles  we went to our hotel called Avenue Hotel to drop off our stuff and plan where we wanted to go to first. We decided to start off with the walk of fame and see how many people on the walk of fame we could recognize. After the walk of fame and a quick bite to eat we decided to check out the Chinese theater and Universal Studios.

                                              Day 8

We Decided to spend our second day in Los Angeles at Disney land. we first went to grab some food and to grab some gas.Disney land was an awesome experience and was so much fun. Their were tons of rides to go on and we grabbed some souvenirs. the souvenirs we grabbed were some mickey mouse gloves. when we were done we went back to our hotel for some food and relaxation.

                                             Day 10

We Departed for San Diego today which was an 2 and a half hour drive. When we arrived we Looked for our hotel called Marina inn and dropped off our stuff. Our first stop was an old Aircraft Carrier turned into a museum Known as the USS Midway. we then went to another museum called the Museum of Art.

                                            Day 11

Our second day in San Diego was first spent at Seaport Village to start. we then packed some food and went to the beach. the beach we went to is called black beach and was lots of fun. After a long day at the beach we went out for food and a movie.

                                           Day 13

Today we started on our long drive to Austin Texas today, it took us 18 hours to get their. we had to stop and switch drivers quite a few times and stop for gas. When we arrived we went to our hotel and slept. After some sleep we went to go see the moonlight tower and lady bird lake.

                                           Day 14

For our second day in Austin we decided to do two things, go to the paramount theater and go to the rooster teeth production office. the paramount theater was an amazing sight and was amazing to see. we then went to the Roosterteeth office and met the Achievement hunter and lets play crew. After an exciting day we went back to our hotel for rest.

                                                                Day 16

Our road trip has come to an end and today we left for the airport. We took a one way flight from Austin Texas to Abbotsford. From their we drove home to Aldergrove and went back to our homes.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Road Trip Power point

Road trip expenses

Gas price: $353.78

Car Rental (15 days): $6/day ($90)

Flight Home: $494.91

Spending Money: $1000


Hyatt House (Seattle) $187/night ($374)

West Gate (Las Vegas) $56/night ($112)

Avenue Hotel (Los Angeles) $146/night ($292)

Marina inn (San Diego) $89/night ($178)

Super 8 (Austin Texas) $86/night ($172)

Total: $2,888.69

Total Budget to Spend: $3,000

Amount per person: $750

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dream Vacation

Image result for German Castles

 Dream Vacation
Image result for German museumsThree years ago British Columbia was my vacation spot but then i left Ontario to live here. My new Dream Vacation is to go to Germany and see their tourist attractions such as the Berlin wall, Neushwanstein castle, Mount zugspitze and many more beautiful attractions. I would also like to find out where in Germany my family originated from and Dig up some past knowledge of their lives. I would also like to try some of their foods such as Eintopf which is a stew, Kartoffelpuffer which are pan fried pancakes and Sauerbraten which is ''sour'' or ''pickled'' roast. They also have some delicious pastries that I would like to try like Nussecken, Aachener printen, Berliner and Bienenstich. their is also there museums such as Alte Pinakothek, Senckenberg Museum, Terra Mineralia and many more. Germany has so much to do, to try, to explore and it would be an amazing Experience. That is why i have made germany my dream Vacation.
Image result for German food

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Future

                                                                      My Future

What i would like to do after high school. After high school i would like to go to university and take some culinary arts courses. After university i would like to pursue a career as a chef and start out as a Demi Chef. Demi Chefs specialize in one type of dish and direct prep work of staff key to that specialty An example would be sushi chefs. I would like to be a sous chef someday and maybe even run my own kitchen. sous chefs are the right-hand to the Executive Chef.  Sous Chefs manage a staff of assistant chefs, cooks and kitchen workers, as well as creating dishes for the menu.

Image result for kitchen restaurant

Tuesday, February 9, 2016




 In 50 years I imagine that everything will slowly start changing. their will be advancements in technology, social media, the environment could get worse or it could get better. The worlds population which is currently 7 billion will increase dramatically unless the world goes through catastrophic events such as wars or Natural disasters. I imagine that technology will produce amazing things like virtual reality and advancements in robotics. Their might even be an advance artificial intelligence unit, created to guide humans.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

                                                                                X-Men Apocalypse

The X-Men Apocalypse trailer seems to be about an immortal Mutant, who has been around since the beginning of time and has returned to make his presence known. His plan seems to be to take over the minds of four other mutants and give them immeasurable power, so they can help him destroy the world and build a new one. My Honest opinion of the Trailer is that this movie has potential and the trailer itself isn’t that bad. The CGI looks pretty good and the epic music played throughout the trailer gets me pumped up and excited to see the movie itself. The trailer also gives you enough information to understand but leaves enough out so that you get curious leaving you with questions that can only be answered by watching the movie. Something about the trailer I didn’t like was the ending which was a metal door opening and young Xavier is bald and in a blue suit just looking at the camera. To summarize the trailer was pretty good but I dint like the ending and I am excited to see the movie when it comes out.
                                                                 Lazer Team Official Trailer #2

Lazer Team is a movie created by a large Youtube company known as Rooster Teeth that creates animated shows such as RWBY and Red vs Blue and also makes gaming videos. The movie is about Four random civilians who find strange gear in a crashed alien ship and decide to wear it but once they put it on they realized they can’t take them off and not only that they find out that an alien race sent the gear to challenge anyone who wears it to a duel to the Death. This movie is meant to be an action packed comedy and the trailer does a great job showing it. The CGI and animations look good but even thou I am excited to see this movie part of me thinks that it’s going to be stupid. Over all I give the trailer a 7/10.

                                                   Captain America: Civil War: Trailer

Captain America: Civil War is technically an Avengers movie without some of the Avengers such as hulk and Thor.  The trailer is about the avengers splitting with half helping captain America protect his friend Buckie from Targeted by the Government and the other half with Iron Man and trying to take Buckie in. I have actually been super excited for this movie myself and the trailer only strengthens my excitement and eagerness to see this movie. Captain America and Buckie fighting Iron Man and War Machine makes for some Great content and the way that it is portrayed in the trailer looks awesome. It also throws a little Emotion in their when Cap says” sorry Tony he’s my Friend” and Iron man Saying” so was I”. This trailer shows action, emotion, Great CGI and showing an exciting story. I would give this trailer a 8.5/10 and can’t wait to see it